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Mónica Clapp: Classical and Recent Results on Elliptic Problems with Critical Nonlinearity
Mónica Clapp - Symmetries, Hopf fibrations and supercritical elliptic problems MCA 2013
Monica Clapp | Lisbon WADE
Rupert Frank - Blow-up of solutions of critical elliptic equations in three dimensions
Monica Clapp | IWPDE on the Web
Vicentiu Radulescu: Singular elliptic problems and beyond
Semilinear elliptic problems involving Leray-Hardy potential with singularity on the boundary, HChen
Monica Musso - Vortex filaments for Euler equations
Benedetta Noris: A supercritical elliptic equation in the annulus
Yanyan Li (Rutgers University) / me remarks on singular solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations
Monica Musso: Blow up solution for the energy critical heat equation, Lecture III
New blow up profiles for Yamabe type problems